Tove Styrke-Call My Name-WEB-2011-DGN
Release Info :
AlbumCall My Name WEB
ArtistTove Styrke
Playtime3:44 Mins
Avg. Bitrate320 kb/sec
Size9 MBTitle Artist Playtime Bitrate
Call My NameTove Styrke3:44320kb/sec
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[dmc]ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Doom Generation Noises ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Artist : tove styrke
Title : call my name
Year : 2011
Label : n/a
Genre : pop
Type : single----[ripnfo]--------------------------------------------------------------------
Ripped on: 08.30.2011
Ripper : DGN
Quality : 320kbps / 44,1kHz / full stereo
Size : 8,5 MB
Playtime : 03:44 min
Grabber : eac
Encoder : lame 3.97 v2 new----[trax]----------------------------------------------------------------------
01. call my name 03:44
----[Release Note]--------------------------------------------------------------
----[Group Notes]---------------------------------------------------------------
Dgn is around since 1998...
After a few years, a few rippers who left, a few who joined, people
greeting,people yelling, people threatening, people helping, people
watching, we're still enjoying our aime: Let ppl listen to what they
are gonna buy b4 they pay a single penny.There have been also some people and groups that helped out during the
last few years, maybe it's because of them that (against all odds) we
are still releasing and doing well, those know who they are, and we'll
thank forever.We remind our beloved public, we're against all kind of distrubution,
don't search our rips neither in your preferred XDcc channel, nor in
your local p2p program, We do not distribute ! But it's not
nice to buy when you do not know what you're buying.
As a matter of fact, DGN is a private group, and do not need rippers,
fast or slow shells, traders, t1+ sites, couriers, prewhores, and hw
suppliers, we need only a nice chalet in Switzerland/Canada or a Villa
in the Caribbean sea where to listen to some chillout music.
If you can supply any of those, for free, feel free to contact us for
an application form.Remember to support the artists.
DGN Crew, 2003
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¦______________________________________________________________________________¦Nfo file by [dmc]/DGN using Elton's and Morgoth's tools
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